Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Polling in Class

Polling in class is a great way to increase student engagement and make them an active component of the learning process. From iClickers to desktop and mobile apps, there are a wide variety of tools to choose from. Here are some of my favorites.


With PollEverywhere students can either access a website using a link provided to vote, or tweet their response to a provided number. Results can be displayed in real time by using a website or embedding in a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. With a recent up date you can even set up multiple questions in advance.


Socrative offers polls, quizzes, and even games that can be programmed ahead for your students. You can even launch questions on the fly, using a desktop computer or a mobile app. Students can respond via the Socrative website or the free mobile app using the provided class code. The Socrative interface can even be embedded in websites, blogs, etc (it works very well embedded in the Canvas LMS).


Another fun embeddable polling service. I like this one because it's super easy to create polls with images.


Anyone out there use any of these or other polling services to increase student engagement? What do you use? How has it worked for you?

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