Monday, September 12, 2016

Blog Reading Fun

First of all, let it be said that I follow A LOT of blogs. 159 to be exact. Yep, that's right!

Ed Tech = 18
Education = 7
Family = 1
Running = 2
Individual Teachers = 63
Cooking = 7
Garding = 1
ION classmates = 16
Productivity = 6
Miscellaneous = 38

Obviously I don't visit each of these sites to check if anything new has been posted, so how do I keep track of all this nonsense? I use Feedly! Feedly is a service that compiles feeds from blogs, news services, etc. Every time I log in it shows me all of the posts that are waiting for me to read. I can organize them by category (currently I'm using the ones above); I can quickly go through and bookmark the posts I'd like to read and eliminate the rest. I can even create little collections of items I want to save on a related topic. LOVE it!

Here are a few blogs that I would recommend:

Teaching with the Library of Congress: Lots of great ideas for integrating primary sources into your curriculum, and plenty of interviews from teachers on the front lines.

Confessions of a Community College Dean: Interesting reflections and questions on current issues facing community colleges nationwide.

Grammar Girl: A fun way to learn about grammar, lots of intriguing history behind commonly used words and phrases (as well as an explanation of how many are commonly misused).

Regain Your Time: Quick and helpful tips for managing your most important resource, time.

Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Out of 159 blogs you've gotta have some fun. This is a blog run by a woman who fosters kittens and raises crazy amounts of money for animal shelters. Research has proven that watching kitten videos lowers your stress level and increases your productivity, so a short post with kitten photos a couple times a week is good for everyone!

What blogs do you follow? How do you manage them? Any guilty pleasures?

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