Friday, October 14, 2016

Another New Thing I'd Like to Try

I'd like to try revising/improving my work based on feedback from the instructor of this course. Unfortunately, he has chosen to give absolutely zero feedback on any assignments or within any discussion forums throughout the entire eight weeks (to be fair, there was a presence in the introductions forum the very first week, but that's not feedback). Maybe this very last week he will leave some sort of comment on something. Maybe then I could give this a try! However, looking at the other scrapbook submissions I assume I'll get the same three sentence response as everyone else:

  1. Good/nice/excellent scrapbook
  2. I hope you'll continue to use it/add items/make it a resource
  3. Thank you and good luck/best wishes in your online teaching
Template feedback is all fine and good if it isn't so obvious to the students that you're just writing the same comments on everyone's assignments, especially when the timestamps reveal the feedback was posted on several submissions within the same eight minute window. Why do that publicly anyway, particularly after being completely absent in the forums since the beginning of the course? Also, it would take maybe an extra ten seconds per student to add one sentence that mentions something specific from the students' work so they know the instructor had taken more than a cursory glance at it just to be able to fill out that slot in the gradebook.

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